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Go to Lower Silesia!

See what you can do in Lower Silesia – here everyone will find something for themselves

Go to Lower Silesia

Over the centuries, Lower Silesia has experienced constant contacts between the cultures of at least three nations – Polish, Czech and German – which together shaped the extremely turbulent and dramatic history of the region. Because of that, Lower Silesia can rival its wealth with the most interesting regions in the world. Especially in the vast mountain areas of the Lower Silesian Sudetes, you can find real treasures of both cultural and natural heritage.

There are still many traces of history in Lower Silesia. You can learn more by embarking on a journey along the trail of numerous forts, castles and palaces (there are over 100 of them in Lower Silesia – highest density of castles Poland) or by traversing the corridors of former mines in Wałbrzych, Kletno and Złoty Stok, as well as mysterious and not fully explored military facilities in Walim or Głuszyca (the Underground City of Osówka). It is worth looking for peace and respite primarily in the south of the voivodeship – in popular health resorts or mountain resorts.

View of Śnieżka from Kowary

On the trail of castles and palaces

Who among us has never wanted to feel like a member of an aristocratic family living in a huge castle or palace? When visiting the objects from the European Route of Castles and Palaces (szlakzamkowipalacow.eu), you can learn not only the fascinating stories of their creation and often no less interesting stories about their owners, but also take advantage of the rich hotel and gastronomic offer. This is one of the most interesting thematic routes in the region, which covers not only the south-west corner of Poland, but the entire Polish-Czech border area. Traveling along the designated route provides an extraordinary scenic experience also while moving between individual castles and palaces, among which there are, among others, the beautifully situated castles of Książ, Czocha, Grodno and Bolków, as well as palaces and sumptuous residences in Łomnica, Staniszów, Pakoszów and Kamieniec Ząbkowicki.

Ruins of Bolczów Castle

On the trail of the mysterious undergrounds

The above-ground attractions of Lower Silesia are not all that the region can captivate tourists visiting. Underground fortresses, castles and military complexes from World War II are increasingly appearing on popular and frequently visited routes. And rightly so, because we have a lot to be proud of! On the underground route (szlakpodziemi.pl), it is worth visiting numerous former mines – in Wałbrzych, Kletno, Krobica and Złoty Stok. Two Prussian fortresses also have special underground routes – in Srebrna Góra and Kłodzko. In the latter, there is also a completely unique “underground city” created by a network of tunnels and former merchant cellars under the city’s old town.

A tour in the Wałbrzych undergrounds

Get a taste of Lower Silesia

We also recommend adding traditional Lower Silesian cuisine to the list of the most important attractions in the region. In this real cultural melting pot, which over the centuries has been Lower Silesia, a completely unique culinary tradition has developed, which combines Polish, Czech, German, Jewish and borderland influences. Everyone will find something for themselves here – from exquisite dishes in castle and palace restaurants in Książ, Łomnica, Staniszów, Pakoszów and Kamieniec, through the famous Kłodzko trout and fried cheeses from Trout Paradise, pastries from the Gotwaldówka farm, as well as beers from local breweries and wines from the extremely popular Lower Silesian vineyards. And we could exchange it like that for a much longer time, because there are over 60 points on the trail and the culinary map (smakidolnegoslaska.pl).


For lovers of high-alcoholic beverages, we offer the Lower Silesian Beer and Wine Trail (www.dspiw.pl), thanks to which you will not only try the fruits of work from the local vineyard, but also get to know the brewing and wine culture and meet the people who create these extremely interesting places.

Active recreation in Lower Silesia

Bicycles, skiing or horseback riding, kayaks, hiking – no matter how you like to spend your free time, if you are interested in active recreation, Lower Silesia has plenty of possibilities waiting for you. What can we recommend? Bicycle trips around the picturesque Barycz Valley and on the mountain routes of the Sudety and Singletrack Glacensis MTB systems (be sure to check the website: dolnyslaskrowerem.pl and the Lower Silesia Biking mobile application for Android and iOS devices). Ski runs in the Izera Mountains, in the Karkonosze Mountains and in the Śnieżnik Massif, especially in Świeradów-Zdrój, Szklarska Poręba and Jakuszyce, Karpacz, Zieleniec or Czarna Góra. Tourist routes throughout the Sudetes, where it is worth visiting, for example, the Table Mountains with unique rock labyrinths, the volcanic Kaczawskie Mountains or, finally, known primarily for the colorful lakes of Rudawy Janowickie.


More about active recreation in Lower Silesia

Bartoszowice Weir, Wrocław

Lower Silesian health resorts


Locations such as Duszniki-Zdrój, Polanica-Zdrój, Lądek-Zdrój, Cieplice Śląskie-Zdrój, Świeradów-Zdrój, Jedlina-Zdrój or Długopole-Zdrój have a centuries-old tradition of using mineral waters for therapeutic purposes, which they find out every year crowds of patients visiting them. But not only the waters can encourage people to visit the Sudeten spas – the favorable microclimate, contact with nature and numerous attractions nearby are a universal recipe for a perfect holiday.


More about Lower Silesian spas

Aerobics in Lądkek-Zdrój

UNESCO sites in Lower Silesia


Poland can boast a total of 16 sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, three of which are located in Lower Silesia. The Centennial Hall with its dome, designed by Max Berg, is not only a pearl of modernist architecture, but also one of the most characteristic and interesting buildings in the city. Two more monuments from the UNESCO list are the Evangelical churches in Świdnica and Jawor, built under the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. About the uniqueness of the so-called world peace churches are evidenced, inter alia, by the fact that only perishable materials (wood, clay, sand and straw) were used for their construction, which could not last longer than a year. Their richly decorated and well-preserved interiors are one of the best examples of baroque sacred architecture.

See Lower Silesia (Dolny Śląsk):

Explore more:

Dolnośląskie NAJ! – The Best of Lower Silesia

Dolnośląskie NAJ! It's a collection of interesting facts and curiosities about Lower Silesia. Now available for download!

Winter holidays 2022 in Lower Silesia

The holidays in 2022 falls on January 17 - February 27

Christmas markets attract visitors in Wrocław and Lower Silesia

The Wrocław Christmas Market started on November 19. It will last until the end of the year until December 31, including New Year's Eve. It is also worth considering the fairs in Kliczków, Łomnica and at the Grodziec Castle as a tourist attraction.


Złotoryja is located in the Kaczawskie Foothills, in an extremely picturesque region that is commonly called the Land of Extinct Volcanoes (from the origin of the rock  formations on the nearby hills).