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The legacy of the Reformation – the European Reformation Cultural Route

Five centuries after the Protestant movement initiated by Martin Luther reached the territory of Poland, the cultural heritage of the Reformation is still visible to the naked eye in Lower Silesia and Cieszyn Silesia.

Among the monuments related to the history of Protestantism, the most important are the Churches of Peace in Świdnica and Jawor – the largest wooden religious buildings in Europe, which richly decorated interiors with characteristic galleries are real pearls of baroque sacred architecture. Both temples (the third one, unfortunately, has not survived to our times) – have been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2001.

The  churches of grace deserves separate mention – these were erected at the beginning of the 18th century in Jelenia Góra, Kamienna Góra and Cieszyn, with only the last one remaining in the hands of the Evangelicals to this day. The Church of Jesus from Cieszyn, however, is not only the largest Protestant church in Poland, but for many years it was also the center of religious life in the region including Moravia, Opavian Silesia and Cieszyn Silesia. Half a century after it was built, Protestants gained the right to organize more congregations, including these in Jaworze, Wisła, Bystrzyca, Ustroń, and also in Holčovice in today’s Czech Republic.

In the vicinity of Jelenia Góra, we can find one more interesting object – a reconstructed and relocated historical house of prayer from Rząśnik from the middle of the 19th century. Eighteenth century, which was rebuilt in 2018 next to the Łomnica Palace as a symbol of tolerance in Silesia.

We encourage you to learn about the history of the Reformation in Europe by visiting the sites on the European Reformation Cultural Route. In April 2019, it was entered by the Council of Europe on the list of European Cultural Routes, more information can be found at: reformationroutes.eu.

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Pałac Łomnica

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