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Po symbolicznej edycji w 2020 roku Jazz nad Odrą powraca w pełnej krasie. Pięć dni koncertów na trzech scenach, gwiazdy polskiego i światowego jazzu oraz tradycyjne jam session do rana – Strefa Kultury Wrocław odkrywa pierwsze karty tegorocznego programu.
The capital of the province is probably the most frequently associated with Lower Silesia. There are many unique places - the Old Town Square, Ostrów Tumski, Aula Leopoldina, Panorama Racławicka and the country's famous zoo.
fot. flickr user:_m1ke CC BY 2.0
The capital of Lower Silesia is located on the Oder river, in the center of the Silesian Lowland. The pearl of Wrocław is definitely the Market Square – one of the largest in Europe, with the town hall being one of the most important monuments of gothic bourgeois architecture in Poland. The most valuable facilities include: the university building with the Baroque Leopoldin Aula and Oratorium Marianum, the Ossolineum, the monuments of Ostrów Tumski and the Sand Island (XIII-XVI century) and the renovated Centennial Hall with the Cognitive Center. It is also worth seeing the Panorama Racławicka or the latest attractions, such as the stadium and Humanitarium.
Tourist routes Wrocław
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A walk along the Oder boulevards allows you to relax after a day full of impressions, but it can also be part of the tour of the capital of Lower Silesia: from the Old Town and Ostrów Tumski, passing, among others, The National Museum and the Panorama of the Battle of Racławice, you can walk all the way to the vicinity of the Centennial Hall and the Wrocław Zoo. On a clear summer day, it's hard to imagine a better route for a longer stroll around the city....
The Japanese Garden is a unique place on the green map of Wrocław, allowing, among others, due to the unique combination of various types of Japanese gardens, discoveries in the capital of Lower Silesia, a fragment of the extremely rich culture of the Land of the Rising Sun.
Historic center of Wrocław. It was in Ostrów Tumski, which was actually an island two hundred years ago, where there was a wooden castle from the 10th century, and later - a brick castle of the Piast dynasty. Until today, Ostrów is not only a tourist attraction, an exceptionally popular walking place, but also the seat of the Wrocław metropolitan curia.
A unique place on the map of Wrocław's Old Town, where, a few hundred meters from one another, you can find churches of four denominations, and multiculturalism and tolerance are not only postulates, but an everyday reality.
With over 300 years of tradition, the University of Wrocław is the oldest university in Wrocław and one of the oldest in Central and Eastern Europe, and its main building, located right on the banks of the Oder, still delights with its richly decorated, baroque facade.
Located in the southern part of the historic Old Town, on one of the main streets in Wrocław, the Royal Palace is not only one of the most impressive buildings in the immediate vicinity of the Market Square, but also one of the most important monuments in the capital of Lower Silesia.
Located in a historic tenement house in the heart of Wrocław's Market Square - Pan Tadeusz Museum, operating within the framework of the National Institute of Ossoliński - can boast not only of having in its collections the most valuable Polish literary manuscript. Why is it worth visiting?
The world would be much sadder if there were no tasty dishes. Our ancestors who lived in the former Eastern Borderlands(Kresy) of the Republic of Poland knew about it, and maybe they even indulged each other in this respect. In any case, the cuisine of the Borderlands, and especially Lviv , was famous for its abundance of food and drinks. And how much of Lviv is there in today's Wrocław and Lower Silesia cuisine? How to use the borderland culinary heritage in Lower...
Formerly in Jatki at Malarska street there were two rows of butchers shops where butchers associated in the town guild sold their products. Today, mainly artists from Wrocław (and one dwarf!) reside in this charming, narrow street near the Market Square. What is the history of this place?
The owners of the "Rzym" inn in Wrocław's Jarnołtówek captured a fragment of ... an armored train. How is this possible?
To the title question about where the dwarfs actually came from in Wrocław, no one has yet given a convincing and certain answer. The dispute of historians, journalists and ordinary residents of Wrocław, which has been going on for years, is still not - and probably will never - end. Not only because Papa Dwarf has not revealed his secret so far, but also because all the theories so far seem equally probable.
In Kolejkowo, we will take you on a journey through a miniature world.
Do you like animals? That's good because we are too! And the Wrocław Zoo, the oldest facility of this type in Poland and one of the most visited zoos in Europe, is the perfect place to discover the natural wealth of our planet. Friendly, modern, for everyone.
The Centennial Hall in Wrocław is one of the largest reinforced concrete structures in history. The building, designed by Max Berg, is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Centennial Hall invites locals and tourists to the Visitors Center, a permanent exhibition, modernized and enriched with new content.