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“Former Mine” Science and Art Centre (Centrum Nauki i Sztuki Stara Kopalnia )

From coal to science and art.


From coal to science and art, the Wałbrzych attraction wins the hearts of tourists.

It has been present on the map of Lower Silesian attractions for over five years. And it is hard to believe that not so long ago it was unused and only a historical object, and formerly the “Julia” Coal Mine (“Thorez”). Today it welcomes around the clock. The Old Mine Science and Art Center is a place where history, culture and education are just at your fingertips. You just need to grab it.


Over 4.5 hectares of historic buildings make the Wałbrzych Old Mine the greatest attraction of post-industrial tourism in Poland. An attraction in which, for obvious reasons, the most important thing was to display the monuments of mining technology and culture, and great importance was attached to cultivating the mining tradition.


Visiting the facility is an attraction for both adults and children. and the guides are former miners of Wałbrzych mines. The sightseeing route includes an underground pavement, a forge, historic hoisting machines, lathe and milling machines halls, and a viewing tower. The offer of the Old Mine also includes a popular Night Tour – a two-hour underground mining work combined with a traditional mining feast.


Every year, the institution, together with the Wałbrzych Mining Associations, organizes the Barbórka Mining Tradition Festival. Stara Kopalnia also runs educational activities – a wide range of activities is aimed at children of various age categories.


In addition to mining, ceramics have found their place here. The Unique Ceramics Center, apart from ceramic workshops, organizes prestigious national and European exhibitions, largely thanks to the cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. Another place presenting the achievements of the most outstanding artists is our Contemporary Art Gallery, where we exhibited unique works by artists from various fields of art.


In addition, the spaces of the facility allow for the organization of prestigious conferences, various training courses and corporate events (including team building). The area of ​​the Old Mine also hosts numerous cultural events, such as performances and concerts.


The area, revitalized in 2014, is now over 4.5 hectares of historic post-industrial buildings guided by former miners. Thanks to their stories, you can get to know the specifics of this place and the secrets of mining work the best. The Old Mine is the reason why Wałbrzych invites tourists anew and has a lot to offer them.


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